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Top Banquet Hall venues in Atlanta, GA

Bright space Photo Room with natural light
  • $100/hr
  • New
  • 4.9 (38)
  • 38
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Atlanta, GA
Creative Mixed-Use Space Available For Rent!
  • $95/hr
  • New
  • 4.9 (82)
  • 82
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Atlanta, GA
Dance Studio/Event Space
  • $75/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (8)
  • 8
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Morrow, GA
Event Space Open Blank Canvas
  • $180/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (1)
  • 1
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Atlanta, GA
Event Venue with an Outdoor Patio (Full Buyout)
  • $290/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a day
  • Stone Mountain, GA
Intimate, Unique and Chic Event Space
  • $230/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Morrow, GA
Great Natural Light Studio 2 in Atlanta
  • $100/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Atlanta, GA
Lakewood Atlanta Basecamp -Large parking lot
  • $525/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Atlanta, GA
Elegant Lounge Atl
  • $250/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Atlanta, GA
Exquisite Dining Room with Relaxing Ambiance
  • $500/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Atlanta, GA

How to find Banquet Hall venues in Atlanta, GA
Explore Banquet Hall venue in Atlanta, GA and book your location in minutes.

1. Search

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2. Book

Connect with hosts to ask questions and nail down the details

3. Complete

Elevate your next project or event with a unique venue

Frequently Asked Questions about Banquet Hall venues

Do I need my own production or event insurance in Atlanta?
Yes. All renters are required to carry Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage insurance with liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
What protection plans are available for bookings in Atlanta on Giggster?
Giggster offers Damage Protection coverage that you can add to a booking at checkout. Learn more about Giggster's Damage Protection coverage.
What types of locations can I book in Atlanta?
You can choose from 42 types! Just search for locations in Atlanta at, then click 'Filters' to look for something specific.
How many Banquet Hall venues are available in Atlanta?
Right now, there are 40 Banquet Hall venues available in Atlanta.
What payment methods does Giggster accept for Atlanta bookings?
You can pay for your booking with a credit card, or with ACH or wire transfer for bookings over $4k.
What is the cancellation policy for Atlanta guests on Giggster?
Refund options vary, based on when the booking is canceled. Learn more about Giggster's cancellation and refund policy.
What are the cleaning and safety policies for Atlanta locations on Giggster?
Now more than ever, your health and safety is our number one priority. We've outlined specific health and safety requirements for both hosts and guests. Learn more about Giggster's COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures.
What locations available near Atlanta?
You'll find up to 42 different types of locations in Atlanta. Just start a search at and narrow things down with the 'Filter' option.
Is there an extra cost to add more attendees to my Atlanta booking?
Yes. Pricing tiers are based on group size. For example, if you booked a space for a group of 1-5 for $30/hr, the price per person is $6/hr. Each additional person would increase the rate by $6/hr.
How much are average location rentals in Atlanta?
Rental rates vary with the type and features of the location, but the average rate in Atlanta is $241 per hour.
Why should I choose Giggster over other platforms offering rentals in Atlanta?
Giggster's got your back — and we know our stuff. Our Customer Support team is knowledgeable and accessible, we offer white glove Select service to help you find the perfect location, and we're experts on the unique needs of production teams.
What is the price range for Banquet Hall venues in Atlanta, GA?
Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but generally a 1-hour booking will be in the range of $75 to $525.
Which Banquet Hall venues are most popular in Atlanta, GA in 2024?
How do I book a Atlanta location on Giggster?
When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.
How do I cancel a Atlanta reservation request?
You can contact our team to request a cancellation. Learn more about our cancellation policy.

Have a question about Banquet Hall in Atlanta, GA? Ask our City Guides

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Find Banquet Hall venues in Atlanta, GA

About Atlanta

The capital of Georgia offers something for everyone who visits it. Atlanta is known to many as the birthplace of the civil rights movement in America. Historic figures and many artistic talents can all trace their origins to Atlanta, from Martin Luther King Jr. to Kelly Rowland. The city has a vibrant entertainment scene, from the abundance of sports within the city to the nightlife that never seems to sleep.

Because of this, Atlanta is known to have some of the most talented companies and local vendors within the entire state. With all the professional help there is in Atlanta, planning and executing your next big banquet hall event in Atlanta will be a breeze.

Banquet Hall Options in Atlanta

Planning an event can be a tedious task, especially when it starts to pick up the pace. Luckily, there are many companies out there that can make your planning for this banquet a whole lot easier, from qualified event planners to caterers that can complete your event.

  • Event Planner
    Event planners can help assist you in planning the logistics around your Atlanta banquet hall venue. From setting up the framework to undertaking the whole task, gaining the assistance of an event planner can make everything a lot simpler.

  • Catering
    Making sure that your guests are well fed and happy is a top priority when hosting a banquet hall event. Catering companies offer the advantage of having ingredients that can cater to those with special diets and offer chefs that can increase the quality and variety, sure to please the guests.

  • Décor Rental
    Make sure that your Atlanta banquet hall venue looks the best for all the guests attending the banquet. From the tables and chairs to the hanging decorations, your guests will be relaxed and ready to enjoy the event with a proper décor company helping you out.

Banquet Hall Companies in Atlanta

Atlanta is full of companies and family-owned businesses that are ready to assist you in your upcoming event. With all the talent within the city, you’re sure to find exactly the help you need.

  • Bold Catering & Design
    Named as the Best Caterer in Atlanta, Bold Catering & Design offers menus and specialties that look and taste amazing. Ready to cater to any event no matter the size, Bold Catering & Design ensures that clients have active participation in the menu’s creation to ensure that everything is covered, from specialty diets to client preferences. The company has many talented chefs working together and the Executive Chef, Robert Mitchell has been working in the culinary field for over 20 years. He promises only the best quality meals for your upcoming gathering.

  • WM Events
    Founded in 2004 by William Fogler, an award-winning designer, WM Events has experience handling all sorts of events, from massive fundraisers and festivals to intimate parties and family gatherings. WM Events take pride in the flawless execution and fine taste of their planned events, with each event being handled personally by a dedicated event planner. The event planner assigned stays with you for the entire process, from the design to set up to cleanup of the event.

  • LUV Décor Rentals
    Located just slightly North of Atlanta, this family-owned rental business promises to only provide the best décor for your upcoming event. From charger plates to tablecloths, LUV Décor Rentals ensures that the products you receive as a client are of the highest quality only. Great customer service is one of their strong points and they have dedicated staff members to ensure the décor can be set up on the big day exactly how you planned it.

Pros and Cons of Banquet Halls in Atlanta

When considering where to book your upcoming Atlanta banquet hall venue, thinking about the pros and cons that the city brings is vital in order to finalize your decision.


  • Entertainment
    From the theatres and clubs to the festivals that are taking place constantly within this city, Atlanta has a population that enjoys a night out.

  • Great food
    The diversity in Atlanta allows you to experience some of the most unique and exotic cuisines found within the US. From the famous street food to the wonderful caterers within Atlanta, expect your taste buds to go on a journey.

  • Photo ops
    Many venues in Atlanta come with wonderful photo opportunities. From historic homes to beautiful gardens, taking photos of the guests is an added attraction to the banquet.


  • Traffic
    The traffic in Atlanta can sometimes come to a complete standstill for quite a few minutes, especially during rush-hour periods. Planning is vital when visiting Atlanta.

  • Insects
    The city of Atlanta infamously gained the nickname “Hotlanta” for obvious reasons. The city regularly reaches temperatures over 90 on summer days that come with a lot of humidity, which also brings insects to the city.

  • Transportation
    Atlanta is not a commuter-friendly city, with a lacking public transportation system. It’s recommended to travel around Atlanta with your own vehicle.

Famous Locations in Atlanta

  • Georgia Aquarium
    The Georgia Aquarium is an aquarium dedicated to the education and preservation of marine life. Many of the marine residents within the aquarium benefit from the donations and admission fees supplied by guests and as a representative of their counterparts found in the wild, aim to educate visitors about the world beneath the water and why it’s important to preserve that ecosystem.

  • Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum
    A testament to the 39th president of the USA, the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum houses anything and everything there is to the legacy that Jimmy Carter has left behind. The facility houses 40 million pages, 1 million photographs, 2.2 million feet of film and 2.5 thousand hours of video, all documenting the presidency of Jimmy Carter.

  • High Museum of Art
    With a permanent collection boasting over 18,000 pieces of art within this massive atrium, the High Museum of Art showcases various art pieces that date over the course of human history from the nineteenth- and twentieth-century American and decorative art to the African Art all found throughout the museum.