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Top venues in Philadelphia, PA

Recording Studio
  • $25/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (2)
  • 2
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Philadelphia, PA
SHAPIRA Adam's Mansion 1936
  • $400/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (1)
  • 1
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Philadelphia, PA
Clean sound-treated studio in the Bok Building
  • $95/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (2)
  • 2
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Philadelphia, PA
Bright open multipurpose space
  • $75/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (3)
  • 3
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Philadelphia, PA
Mid Century Modern Home, 10ft windows with views
  • $165/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (8)
  • 8
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Philadelphia, PA
Cardell Dance Studio
  • $75/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (1)
  • 1
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Philadelphia, PA
Crimson Noir at Novalight Studios
  • $100/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (4)
  • 4
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Philadelphia, PA
Grand Historical Victorian in Philadelphia
  • $125/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (5)
  • 5
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Philadelphia, PA
Industrial Atrium & Lobby Event Space & Filming
  • $400/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (4)
  • 4
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Philadelphia, PA
Industrial Chic Space
  • $125/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (6)
  • 6
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Philadelphia, PA
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Pop-up in Philadelphia, PA

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Retreat in Philadelphia, PA

Style in Philadelphia, PA

Workshop in Philadelphia, PA

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price range for locations in Philadelphia?
Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but rates generally range from $25 to $500 per hour for spaces in Philadelphia.
What is the most popular attendee range in Philadelphia?
Group size varies with the type of event or activity, but 1-5 people is a popular range in Philadelphia.
What is the average hourly minimum for locations in Philadelphia?
The average minimum booking time is 4 hours for locations in Philadelphia.
What is the average square feet of locations in Philadelphia?
There's a great range of spaces in Philadelphia, with an average size of 3024 square feet.
What are the most popular locations in Philadelphia?
The top 3 locations in Philadelphia, PA right now are Recording Studio, SHAPIRA Adam's Mansion 1936 and Clean sound-treated studio in the Bok Building.
How many locations are available for rent in Philadelphia?
There are currently 178 locations available in Philadelphia.
Which location types are most popular in Philadelphia?
Philadelphia is a popular spot for Event Space, Photography Studio and Apartment locations.
How many location types are available in Philadelphia?
Right now, there are at least 38 of different types of locations in Philadelphia.
How do I book a Philadelphia location on Giggster?
When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.
How do I cancel a Philadelphia reservation request?
You can contact our team to request a cancellation. Learn more about our cancellation policy.

Find unique spaces for rent in Philadelphia, PA

About Philadelphia

Philadelphia is the largest city in Pennsylvania and one of the most important cities in the United States Whether you have been there or not you have probably heard about Philadelphia or at least know a few things about it. One of the most important aspects of Philadelphia is its history in relation to the founding of the United States of America. It is the place where both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed. This big city is not all history though there is much more to it than that.

If you are looking for things to do when you have time away from the office or from planning that big business meeting, there is a lot to do here for the whole family. Whether you are into the arts and culture and want to visit one of the many museums located in Philadelphia or you are into food or nightlife, there is something on offer for everyone. The iconic Rocky movie steps are one attraction that even locals love to visit on a regular basis. You also must try the local specialty known as a Philadelphia cheesesteak.

If you decide to stay there for a while you can expect a typical New England climate. This means warm summers and cold winters with heavy snowfall during the coldest months. You will still have plenty of time to explore the outdoors but be sure to pay attention to the forecast or take advice from the locals when it comes to the snow season. The rest of the year the climate is moderate and easily enjoyable.

Attractions in Philadelphia

You cannot go anywhere near Philadelphia without going to one of the many attractions that are available from Independence Hall to the Liberty Bell and more. There is plenty to see and do once you have some time away and are looking for something fun to distract you from work. Even if history is not your thing, you will find plenty of options in terms of outdoor exploration, concert venues, theaters, and more.

  • Philadelphia Museum of Art
    The Philadelphia Museum of Art is something truly unique amongst art museums. The art collection contains works from colonial artists as well as unique textiles, clothing, and other artifacts from the time. There are seasonally rotating exhibits as well as an online catalog of artwork and educational events for children and families. This means there is always something new to see and do at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

  • Independence Hall
    Independence Hall is the most famous building in American history. Not only is it the building where the Declaration of Independence was signed by the Second Continental Congress, but also the formal draft of the Constitution. Independence Hall even once housed all three branches of the legislative government of Pennsylvania. You can sign up for tours most days of the week and there is plenty of interesting history and facts to learn while there.

  • Museum of the American Revolution
    Another important place to visit while you're in Philadelphia is the Museum of the American Revolution. Not only does the museum cover many of the key battles and events that went into making the revolution happen, but it also chronicles the lives of the average citizens and colonists in the country at the time. This gives us insight into the mindset of the people as the nation fought for its independence.

Production Locations in Philadelphia

When you think of iconic places to film a movie or television scenes, there are few better cities than Philadelphia to do it in. From iconic bars and restaurants to Lavish outdoor scenes, there are plenty of places that you can find to give you just the right setting for whatever it is you are trying to put together. We all know that no production is complete without the right backdrop. Finding it in a city like Philadelphia is easier than you might think.

  • Studio Spaces
    One of the great options for a production location in Philadelphia is a variety of different studio space options. Renting out a yoga and fitness studio is a great way to have a location ready for an interview or a quaint backdrop for a scene that you are filming. You can find a plethora of studio spaces to choose from in Philly.

  • Chic and Cozy Homes
    Another great option for the filming of your production is a rental home. You will find many modern stylish homes as well as more quaint and intimate locations that are great for any type of production you might be working on. From a studio apartment downtown to a rural farmhouse out in the country, Philadelphia has whatever you need.

  • Modern Industrial Building
    If you're looking for something with a ton of space, this modern industrial building is just the ticket. With wide-open spaces and lofty ceilings, there is nothing you cannot do having this much room. While it looks new and polished, it still is not lacking that industrial feel so if you are looking for a great backdrop for your next scene, this could be it.

Meeting and Event Venues in Philadelphia

If you are the person in charge of planning a big event such as a wedding shower or rehearsal dinner, then you want to make sure that you have the right venue to do it in. The same is true if you oversee a major business function such as a board meeting or seminar. Philadelphia has plenty of different options for any type of event or business function including all the amenities you might need.

  • Shopping Centers
    One venue option when you need a ton of different spaces is to try looking at the local shopping centers that are available. These offer plenty of parking and close access to other local amenities as well as plenty of space for a crowd. You never have to worry about where people will park or whether you have access to the things you need when holding an event in a shopping center.

  • Penthouse Apartments
    For quaint or intimate gatherings, renting out an apartment is a good option. There are many lovely penthouse apartments available in Philadelphia and they make a great space for holding a birthday, baby shower, or another type of small event. In addition, Philly has plenty of spacious and luxurious apartments with over 3,000 square feet of space if you need something large.

  • Wilbur Chocolate Factory
    If you are looking to throw a party of some kind, then why not throw one in this spacious and open Wilbur Chocolate Factory? The 25-foot ceilings and loft-style give you plenty of space for dancing the night away. It is also a great open space for a company gathering or other large event. This one is unique and trendy with plenty of natural sunlight and parquet floors.