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Top Meeting spaces in Long Beach, CA

Sophisticated Boho Event Space
  • $225/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (12)
  • 12
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Long Beach, CA
Wonderful & Friendly Cafe for Private Parties in Long Beach
  • $100/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (2)
  • 2
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Long Beach, CA
Luxury Downtown Loft with City Views
  • $95/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (1)
  • 1
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Long Beach, CA
Long Beach Large Conference Room
  • $70/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (2)
  • 2
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a day
  • Long Beach, CA
Motel - Hotel in Long Beach, CA
  • $200/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (6)
  • 6
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Long Beach, CA
Vintage Style Intimate Theater with Green Room
  • $175/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (1)
  • 1
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Long Beach, CA

How to find Meeting spaces in Long Beach, CA
Explore Meeting space in Long Beach, CA and book your location in minutes.

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2. Book

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3. Complete

Elevate your next project or event with a unique venue

What people are saying about Meeting on Giggster

Andre W.
$ 1400
4 hours
60 people
8 months ago
The location is amazing!. Everyone complimented the venue. The host and staff were all helpful. The space was great, the bar is very nice, the outdoor patio was perfect! bathrooms nice and clean. I highly recommend this venue for your next event.
Gui Zhiyou C.
$ 775
5 hours
15 people
11 months ago
The host is nice and patient. The space is well-lit, in fact, one of the few spaces that look exactly as in the pictures posted. Highly recommend.
Adelita B.
$ 880
4 hours
60 people
a year ago
This event was much more beautiful in person. Easy to access. I planned my wedding in 3 days and so happy I found this. It was mi h more than what I could have wanted. The host was responsive and easy to book with. Thank you Rebecca
Adela K.
$ 500
5 hours
30 people
2 years ago
Our hostess was very accommodating especially when were running late. She came through when we were in a tight spot because our previous Giggster host cxl last minute (a day before the event). Samone stayed to make sure we were ok and then showed up a little earlier to assist as/if needed. So it was a beautiful baby shower considering the last minute, lol. Thank you, Samone. God Bless and we’ll keep you in mind for future events!!! Si Yuus Maasi and Ghilisao fr the Saipan, CNMI. Stay safe!

Frequently Asked Questions about Meeting venues

Do I need my own production or event insurance in Long Beach?
Yes. All renters are required to carry Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage insurance with liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
What protection plans are available for bookings in Long Beach on Giggster?
Giggster offers Damage Protection coverage that you can add to a booking at checkout. Learn more about Giggster's Damage Protection coverage.
What types of locations can I book in Long Beach?
You can choose from 42 types! Just search for locations in Long Beach at, then click 'Filters' to look for something specific.
How many Meeting spaces are available in Long Beach?
Right now, there are 19 Meeting spaces available in Long Beach.
What payment methods does Giggster accept for Long Beach bookings?
You can pay for your booking with a credit card, or with ACH or wire transfer for bookings over $4k.
What is the cancellation policy for Long Beach guests on Giggster?
Refund options vary, based on when the booking is canceled. Learn more about Giggster's cancellation and refund policy.
What are the cleaning and safety policies for Long Beach locations on Giggster?
Now more than ever, your health and safety is our number one priority. We've outlined specific health and safety requirements for both hosts and guests. Learn more about Giggster's COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures.
What locations available near Long Beach?
You'll find up to 42 different types of locations in Long Beach. Just start a search at and narrow things down with the 'Filter' option.
Is there an extra cost to add more attendees to my Long Beach booking?
Yes. Pricing tiers are based on group size. For example, if you booked a space for a group of 1-5 for $30/hr, the price per person is $6/hr. Each additional person would increase the rate by $6/hr.
How much are average location rentals in Long Beach?
Rental rates vary with the type and features of the location, but the average rate in Long Beach is $126 per hour.
Why should I choose Giggster over other platforms offering rentals in Long Beach?
Giggster's got your back — and we know our stuff. Our Customer Support team is knowledgeable and accessible, we offer white glove Select service to help you find the perfect location, and we're experts on the unique needs of production teams.
What is the price range for Meeting spaces in Long Beach, CA?
Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but generally a 1-hour booking will be in the range of $50 to $225.
Which Meeting spaces are most popular in Long Beach, CA in 2024?
How do I book a Long Beach location on Giggster?
When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.
How do I cancel a Long Beach reservation request?
You can contact our team to request a cancellation. Learn more about our cancellation policy.

Have a question about Meeting in Long Beach, CA? Ask our City Guides

Find Meeting spaces in Long Beach, CA

About Long Beach

Long Beach is a paradise on the shore of the Pacific, a wonderful mix of sandy beaches and urban attractions that will simply blow you away. As the name implies, the beach is both long and plentiful, with an abundance of things to see and do. Restaurants and eateries abound, as do it’s waterfront attractions and many oceanside ports.

In this city by the sea, you’ll find an element of discovery in every attraction, no matter how seemingly big or small. A day trip to Catalina Island makes for a day well spent diving. Or, choose to climb its highest peak, Mt. Orizaba, and you’ll discover breathtaking panoramic views of all your surroundings. Or, maybe it’s the ocean you fancy? Whether you opt to explore the ocean below in visiting the Aquarium of the Pacific, or to explore the ocean on deck of the RMS Queen Mary (now a museum and iconic hotel), you’ll certainly find something worth the trip.

With so many fantastic attractions, lavish beaches, and a short drive from downtown LA, Long Beach is a wonderful place to host many events, including small assemblies, large gatherings or medium-size conferences. Because, as you’ll soon find, everything really is a breeze in this part of the world, and meetings are no exception.

Meeting Options in Long Beach

Planning a meeting in Long Beach? This city has plenty to offer when it comes to meeting-making services. Consider a few of the following options to ensure you plan your meeting right.

  • Equipment
    When organizing an event, it’s good to start with the essentials, and nowadays it’s hard to have a successful meeting without all the necessary equipment. Long Beach has got you covered – you can rent audio-visual equipment, laptops, monitors and TVs, and even webcasting equipment. If need be, you can also rent furniture of your choice.

  • Catering
    Meetings can sometimes take a long time, and it’s always a good idea to have food ready to replenish some energy. When organizing a meeting in Long Beach, you can choose plated food or a buffet and opt for a full meal or small appetizers that you can munch on during breaks.

  • Transportation
    Whether you are organizing a meeting for local people or those coming from other parts of the country or the world, you will need transport to your meeting space in Long Beach. This is where the city and its surroundings shine – you can rent a limo, an SUV, or a charter bus, and even organize a taxi service.

  • Attire
    Whether you are organizing a formal meeting or a more casual one, it is good to be at the top of your game when it comes to clothing. Long Beach is known as a shoppers’ paradise, and you will find shops, boutiques, and outlets that cater to everyone’s style, be it retro or high fashion.

  • Decorators
    Meeting spaces can often look boring and affect the mood of everyone present. To prevent that, you can rely on some of the great decorators in Long Beach and add some style to your event. Add some tasteful floral arrangements, custom-made name cards, or lighting in pleasant and relaxing colors and lift up the energy in the room.

Meeting Companies in Long Beach

  • Coast to Coast Conferences & Events
    This comprehensive event planning company has over twenty-five years of experience in the business, and has organized events of different types and sizes, ranging from one hundred to over ten thousand attendees. One of their specialties is conference and meeting management, with services including program development and logistics, production management, and online and on-site registration services.
  • Bravo Productions
    With over thirty years of organizing events, this award-winning full-service event production company organizes a range of Los Angeles events, including meetings and conferences. They offer a range of services, including site and venue selection, budget planning, event design and décor, and audio-visual equipment.
  • Ambrosia Event Planning and Catering Services
    Ambrosia Event Planning and Catering Services is a full-service event staffing company that takes prides themselves on taking the ‘stress’ out of event planning for their clients. They provide professional staff for all kinds of Southern California events, including corporate events, luncheons, trade shows and more, and provide a wealth of services including: event planning, catering, photography and video, transportation services, and photo booth services.

Pros and Cons of Organizing a Meeting in Long Beach


  • Prime Location
    Long Beach is a part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area, a hub for large companies from different industries, with which comes a great number of amazing meeting spaces and services to choose from.
  • Plenty To Do
    When you get tired of sitting in a meeting room, you can always go for a stroll next to the ocean, do some shopping, or explore numerous urban attractions in the vicinity.
  • Great Weather
    Long Beach is sunny for almost the entire year, giving you energy to successfully organize a meeting – you can even have one outdoors and avoid sitting in a crowded room for a long time.


  • Pollution
    Long Beach is among the cities with the highest degree of pollution in the country – consider organizing a meeting outside to avoid it.
  • The traffic
    If you are looking for a parking spot in the popular parts of the city, you might need a lot of time to find one. The city also has its rush hour, so set off to your meeting on time.
  • Noise
    Long Beach is a popular tourist destination and it is also a large city with almost half a million people, so if you are looking for a quiet spot for a meeting, invest some time in your search.

Fabulous Post Meeting Locations in Long Beach

Who said you can't mix business with pleasure? Have some fun with your meeting invitees at these Long Beach destinations.

  • Aquarium of the Pacific
    If you want to come face to face with the astonishing underwater life of the Pacific Ocean, pay a visit to this aquarium that is home to thousands of amazing marine creatures. There are several exhibits to choose from and see different types of sharks, penguins, and seahorses. If you plan to host a meeting nearby, there are rooftop event spaces with wonderful views.
  • RMS Queen Mary
    While it is stunning from the outside, this glorious ship hides many treasures inside. You can go on different tours and find out all about its history, as well as why it was called ‘the haunted ship’. Those who are in love with ships can spend some time in the model gallery or check out the giant LEGO Queen Mary brick model.
  • Catalina Island
    A day trip is always a good idea, especially if it involves a boat ride to a wonderful island in the Pacific. You can turn your day into an adventure and go zip-lining or go to a sea life safari. If you want to relax, you can discover the charms of the town of Two Harbors or soak up some sun at the beach.