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Top Influencer spaces in Los Angeles, CA

Ktown Modern Offices Cubicles Cityscape City View
  • $90/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (3)
  • 3
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Los Angeles, CA
Inspired Creative Office Spaces
  • $400/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (14)
  • 14
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Los Angeles, CA
Commercial Kitchen w/ 3 Creative Lofts in Leimert Park
  • $310/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Los Angeles, CA
Bright Open Office or Filming Location
  • $200/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (5)
  • 5
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Los Angeles, CA
Loft Event Space 20ft Ceilings in Heart of Venice
  • $99/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (2)
  • 2
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Los Angeles, CA
Studio / Gallery / Events Space
  • $250/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Los Angeles, CA

How to find Influencer spaces in Los Angeles, CA
Explore Influencer space in Los Angeles, CA and book your location in minutes.

1. Search

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2. Book

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3. Complete

Elevate your next project or event with a unique venue

What people are saying about Influencer on Giggster

Mike B.
$ 1125
5 hours
60 people
2 months ago
My wife and I hosted our joint birthday party here for friends/family. Could not recommend it any higher. It was an incredible night! 10/10.
Trudy S.
$ 4264
8 hours
30 people
3 months ago
We LOVE this location!! This is our second time shooting here and we'll definitely come back!!! The place is PERFECT, the communication is flawless. ! Very clean, very convenient and very reasonable.
$ 3000
1 hours
30 people
4 months ago
Very easy to work with! We shot here on a Monday and it wasn't too loud or busy at all. Would definitely come back.
Katherine C.
$ 2926
11 hours
30 people
6 months ago
This office space was SO perfect for what we needed. It's such a great size and Hannah (site rep) + Ron (building maintenance) were both so lovely and accommodating. The parking lot makes things VERY convenient, and the size of the space really helped to make our crew of 30 fit comfortably. It was so great and has beautiful natural light. Would definitely book again and hope to for future productions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Influencer venues

Do I need my own production or event insurance in Los Angeles?
Yes. All renters are required to carry Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage insurance with liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
What protection plans are available for bookings in Los Angeles on Giggster?
Giggster offers Damage Protection coverage that you can add to a booking at checkout. Learn more about Giggster's Damage Protection coverage.
What types of locations can I book in Los Angeles?
You can choose from 42 types! Just search for locations in Los Angeles at, then click 'Filters' to look for something specific.
How many Influencer spaces are available in Los Angeles?
Right now, there are 50 Influencer spaces available in Los Angeles.
What payment methods does Giggster accept for Los Angeles bookings?
You can pay for your booking with a credit card, or with ACH or wire transfer for bookings over $4k.
What is the cancellation policy for Los Angeles guests on Giggster?
Refund options vary, based on when the booking is canceled. Learn more about Giggster's cancellation and refund policy.
What are the cleaning and safety policies for Los Angeles locations on Giggster?
Now more than ever, your health and safety is our number one priority. We've outlined specific health and safety requirements for both hosts and guests. Learn more about Giggster's COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures.
What locations available near Los Angeles?
You'll find up to 42 different types of locations in Los Angeles. Just start a search at and narrow things down with the 'Filter' option.
Is there an extra cost to add more attendees to my Los Angeles booking?
Yes. Pricing tiers are based on group size. For example, if you booked a space for a group of 1-5 for $30/hr, the price per person is $6/hr. Each additional person would increase the rate by $6/hr.
How much are average location rentals in Los Angeles?
Rental rates vary with the type and features of the location, but the average rate in Los Angeles is $349 per hour.
Why should I choose Giggster over other platforms offering rentals in Los Angeles?
Giggster's got your back — and we know our stuff. Our Customer Support team is knowledgeable and accessible, we offer white glove Select service to help you find the perfect location, and we're experts on the unique needs of production teams.
What is the price range for Influencer spaces in Los Angeles, CA?
Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but generally a 1-hour booking will be in the range of $90 to $900.
Which Influencer spaces are most popular in Los Angeles, CA in 2024?
How do I book a Los Angeles location on Giggster?
When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.
How do I cancel a Los Angeles reservation request?
You can contact our team to request a cancellation. Learn more about our cancellation policy.

Have a question about Influencer in Los Angeles, CA? Ask our City Guides

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Find Influencer spaces in Los Angeles, CA

About Los Angeles

You could sum up Los Angeles with these words; the Lakers, the Hollywood sign, and heavy traffic. The Southern California beach city also enjoys amazing weather and it's amongst the nation's most ethnically diverse cities.

If you fancy a Korean BBQ, Ethiopian fare, or Hawaiian cuisine; LA doesn't disappoint when it comes to its food scene. The City of Angels is also drenched in culture with various venues on The Sunset Strip frequently hosting rock shows and other interesting events. Los Angeles also is also home to some of the biggest festivals including the Hollywood Fringe Festival. The main attraction is undeniably the city's outdoor recreation scene. You’ll also find grungy Hollywood hangouts and fancy watering holes shaping the famous Los Angeles nightlife.

With so much happening in La La Land, your function will equally be an occasion to look forward to if you rent an influencer space in Los Angeles.

Influencer Space Options in Los Angeles

With the advent of social media marketing, companies now employ the services of well-known personalities or simply average folks who command large followings on various social media platforms. This must resonate with you if you are looking for an influencer space in LA, and several local businesses can help you pull off a successful event.

  • Location
    You should go for success right off the bat by choosing an impressive influencer space in Los Angeles. It should be a social media-worthy location with all the necessary amenities needed to support the anticipated coverage.

  • WiFi
    An influencer event is all about bringing together a group of people to share an experience. The select group is then expected to curate the occasion in a creative way to market the products/brand/service. WiFi is an important part of the equation and a dedicated hotspot for the event goes a long way.

  • Activities
    An influencer event, or any occasion for that matter, should be fun. Bored guests won't create a PR chatter and you should have a few tricks up your sleeves to keep them entertained. Include games and contests in the schedule to keep your guests busy.

  • Social Media Manager
    While the group invited are busy influencing, you also want your social media platforms to be buzzing as well. Lead by example and as the event is ongoing, enlist the services of a social media manager to post strategic content, drive conversations, monitor impressions, and assess the overall reach.

  • Goody Bags
    Send off your guests with branded goody bags as a token of appreciation. It should include a media kit as well as items that are bound to leave them with a lasting impression about your brand.

Influencer Space Companies in Los Angeles

These days more people make purchasing decisions based on what their fellow consumers have to say about any given product. In fact, 80% of marketers vouch for the effectiveness of influencer marketing. There are lists of local experts who can help you organize an effective and successful influencer event in Los Angeles.

  • Sequoia Productions
    Sequoia Productions has the Incloodle stamp of approval recognizing the event planner as an inclusive business. The company has been in operation for 25 years and helped scores of clients organize successful events. They excel at putting together brand activations, conferences, and other similar functions.

  • Setting Entertainment
    Setting Entertainment is the company that will set the scene for your event in an innovative way. They use technology to boost audience engagement and also provide event strategy, planning design, and management services.

  • Bar Spirit
    Bar Spirit caters to event staffing needs by providing a professional team of servers as well as bartenders. They supply bar rentals, custom napkins and cups, ice delivery, and also offer shopping services.

Pros and Cons of Influencer Spaces in Los Angeles

The City of Angels has all the hallmarks of an entertainment-centric location. Certain aspects of tLa La Land can prove beneficial or pose challenges when organizing an influencer gig in Los Angeles.


  • The culture
    Tinseltown is essentially the nation's entertainment mecca with renowned attractions like the Grauman's Chinese Theater and Hollywood Boulevard found in the city. That in itself makes it an ideal place to host an entertainment-centric influencer event in Los Angeles.

  • An excellent culinary scene
    Diversity sums up what you can expect from the LA food scene punctuated by rich flavors. With a local culinary expert handling the menu for your influencer event you'll definitely impress your guests.

  • The varied terrain
    The City of Angels has a fix for everyone, whether you fancy the desert terrain, mountains, or you are more of a beach person. It also serves as a reflection of the varied selections of influencer spaces in Los Angeles you'll come across.

  • The creative vibes
    LA is known as a city of dreamers largely because of its arts and entertainment scenes. You have the liberty to get as creative as possible when hosting an influencer gig in Los Angeles.

  • Sports
    Various sports teams hail from Los Angeles, including the Lakers, Dodgers, and the Mighty Ducks. You'll have success hosting a sports-centric influencer event in Los Angeles.


  • Traffic
    The low riders look quite cool on the highway but Los Angeles experiences nightmarish snarl-ups during rush hour. Go for a centrally located influencer space in LA for convenience and enhanced accessibility.

  • Parking
    Once you weave your way through the traffic, parking is yet another major problem you and your guests will experience in Los Angeles. Provide valet parking during your influencer event to address this problem.

  • You'll need a vehicle
    The City of Angels isn't easy to navigate without a car. Offer cab services or subsidized rideshare costs as yet another incentive for influencers attending your event.

  • It's a costly city
    LA is an expensive city and you'll want to put aside a sizable budget for your influencer event. You also want to make it count and that's why you should team up with local experts.

  • Competitive job market
    The job market in the City of Angeles is highly competitive. In turn, your influencer event presents an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and leverage the market to your advantage.

Famous Locations in Los Angeles

  • Santa Monica Pier
    All roads lead to the Santa Monica Pier if you enjoy skateboarding, cycling, or surfing. It's also where you'll find the iconic Santa Monica Ferris wheel alongside selections of quirky and vintage stores.

  • Venice Beach Boardwalk
    The Venice Beach Boardwalk offers eclectic shops, golden sand, and skilled street performers. It's the perfect place to take a stroll, indulge in a people-watching session, or pump some iron.

  • California Science Center
    The California Science Center welcomes visitors from far and wide without charging an entry fee. That's where you'll learn more about different animal ecosystems and there are also live plant exhibits displayed at the center.